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Monday, November 20, 2023

How to submit an abstract

These events are accepting abstracts right now:

  • SEPTEMBER: Atlantic-first, happening on 17 (Atlantic) & 18/19 (Pacific) September 2024 (Season 4). Keynote talk by Prof. Ameet Pinto (preliminary program). Deadline: 17/08/2024

  • OCTOBER: Pacific-first, happening in October 2024 (Season 4). Deadline: 17/09/2024


You can choose between 3 different categories of presentations:

  • Selected Talks (10 minutes presentation + Q&A)

  • Research Highlights (1 minute recorded presentation of unpublished work + your own room)

  • Open Access Paper Highlights (1 minute recorded presentation of work recently published on OA journals + your own room)

How to submit: it’s easy!

  1. Click the “Submit an abstract” button at the top of this page, and check which events are accepting abstracts right now.

  2. Upload the title of your work and the abstract (max 2,500 characters), together with a few details about the presenter.

  3. You are done!

Get ready!

If your work is selected as:

  • Selected talk: prepare a 10 minutes presentation and be ready to answer some questions from the audience

  • Highlight: record a 1 minute presentation and be ready to discuss your work in your own room.

You have the opportunity to win a prize!

The best Selected Talk and the best Highlights will receive a prize of $200 USD

If you are looking for more detailed information, please keep reading!


The MVIF spirit is to be inclusive and to reach as many people as possible.

Submissions are always open. Check at the top of this page which events are accepting abstracts at this time.

You can decide to submit an abstract (selected talk, research highlight) or a recently published paper (open-access paper highlight).

Following a submission, there are important timelines to keep in mind:

  • ~3 weeks before the meeting you will receive a decision;

  • If your abstract is selected for a Research Highlight, please submit a 1-minute presentation to be streamed during both sessions. We will record regular talks during the first session for replay during the second session, but you may also submit a pre-recorded talk to be used in the case of technical difficulties. You must send the video at least one week prior to the day of the conference;

  • At the following meeting, the winners of the Best Selected Talk and Best Highlight Awards are announced. If you have been awarded, you will be notified by email.


For the abstract submission there are 4 different options you can choose:

  • Selected Talk Only: a 10-minutes talk and participation in the Q&A panel

  • Research Highlight Only: a pre-recorded 1-minute talk with full presentation/discussion in your own “virtual room” similar to a poster session

  • Research Highlight if not selected for the Selected Talk

  • Open Access Paper Highlight: a recently published open-access paper to discuss in your own “virtual room”, similar to a poster session

    Note: pre-prints are considered unpublished, and are therefore eligible for the Selected Talk and Research Highlights formats!

Once you have decided on the type of submission, keep in mind:

  • The submission deadlines for upcoming meetings, noting whether each meeting is “Atlantic-first” or “Pacific-first”. Your live attendance is mandatory for the first session and recommended for you or a representative for the second session. You may designate a representative to participate in live Q&A or “virtual room” sessions during the “second” twin conference;

  • The abstract should not be longer than 2,500 characters.

If your work is selected as a talk:

  • Talks during the “first” session are generally live, although you may pre-record to protect against technical difficulties or interruptions. In either cases, you must be present live during the “first” session. We will record first-session talks for replay during the second session. Pre-recorded videos should be submitted within one week prior to the conference.

  • After the 10-minute talk in the “first”  session, you must be available for a live 20-minute discussion panel. In the “second” session, you are encouraged (although not required) to attend or designate a representative to participate in the Q&A panel on your behalf.

If your work is selected for being one of the research highlights:

  • You will be asked to record a 1-minute slide presentation video to be streamed during the Highlight Session;

  • You will have a dedicated “virtual discussion room” during the Highlights session where interested audience members can join to learn more about your work. You may choose to present extra slides, or just discuss the already presented slides. You must be present during the “first” session. In the “second” session, you are encouraged (although not required) to attend or to designate a representative to participate in the Q&A panel on your behalf.


If you are submitting for an open-access paper highlight, you will not be allowed to submit for research highlight/talk during the same call for abstracts and if you are selected to present, you may not submit the same work in a different format in a later meeting.

  • The paper should be either published as open-access or Green-open-access on peer-reviewed journals in the past 15 months;

  • The submitted paper must not be embargoed. You will be asked to provide a link to the open-access paper during the submission. You will be asked to certify that you have the permission of the other authors providing their email addresses.